The Shire of Al-Sahid has many opportunities for meet ups and social events.
All are welcome to come to the various meetings, whether they are fighter practices, arts and sciences classes, business meetings, or social events.
Shire Business
The shire meetings are on the third Mondays of the month at 6:30pm. We have been doing zoom meetings with the links posted in our Facebook group, Shire of Al-Sahid. Contact the Seneschal for more details.
Shire Business meetings which discuss the inner workings of the Shire from officer updates to event planning. Do you want to get more involved? Want to volunteer for an office or to help run an event? Please join us at these open meetings.
Fighter Practice : Click here for the link to our Facebook page
Al-Sahid Fighter Practices and Rapier: Sundays at 10:00am in Hesperia: contact the Seneschal or our Facebook page for more details
Other Fighter Practices:
Barony of Dreiburgen : Click here for Facebook link
Every Wednesday beginning at 7:00 p.m. Andulka Park, 5201 Chicago Ave., Riverside.
Barony of Angels : Click here for Facebook link
Every Tuesday beginning at 7:30 p.m. Library Park, 321S. Myrtle Ave., Monrovia. Curently practice has , moved location to Recreation park, Monrovia at the same time
Barony of Dun Or
Heavy Weapons,Thursdays beginning at 7:00 p.m. Sgt. Steve Owen Memorial Park, 43063 10th St. W., Lancaster.
Rapier, Fridays beginning at 6:30 p.m. Antelope Valley Family YMCA, 43001 10th St. W, Lancaster.